#FeedingMyCompulsion: 'Logging' the #MembersMark Cookies I Got from a friend after a Game of #DirtySanta (the SFW Gift-Exchange) | @SamsClub @HolidappySite

After we played a game of Dirty Santa with some of our fellow Brain-Injury Conquerors, we traded the gifts we had ended up with. She took 'the device I probably wasn't going to use,' and gave me a box of Member's Mark European Chocolate Cookies (like those offered on the page you can get to through 'the emboldened link(s)' below); but first–after a mention of the free mining-software (giving us free Bitcoin in exchange for energy we're wasting anyway)–I want to teach you about those words. 

And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

As the Holidappy Site explains, the gift-exchange game is called "Dirty Santa" because gift-receivers are given the chance to #Steal other receivers' gifts (and risk having their own gifts #Stolen from them). 

The word “Steal” is built on ancient words that mean "to Rob (Commit a Theft, Take & Carry-off |Clandestinely and -without Right or Leave (like when a Baseball-Player Advances from one Base to another without the Batter having |Hit the Ball)."
#Stole #Stealing #ManStealer


The text on the label reads,
European Chocolate COOKIES (No Preservatives - No Artificial Flavors) ... An assortment of 12 fine European Chocolate Cookies with delicious dark, milk & white chocolate ... NET WT 49.6 OZ (3.1 LB) 1.4 kg ... (skipping the ingredients (except to say it MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF ALMONDS, CASHEWS, PISTACHIOS, WALNUTS, COCONUT, PEANUTS, SESAME)) produced in Poland ... >>>>>>>>>
Casanova - Crisp cookie dipped in dark chocolate with white chocolate drizzleRome - Dark chocolate covered pastry decorated with white chocolate glazeIvory - Crisp cookie dipped in white chocolateMadeleine - Milk chocolate covered biscuit decorated with dark chocolate
Mont Blanc - White chocolate covered cookie with dark chocolate drizzleSouffle - European fine shortbread cookieRomance - Heart shaped shortbread cookie dipped in milk chocolate with white chocolate drizzleBalena - Fine Shortbread with dark chocolate
Melody - Crisp cookie dipped in milk chocolate with dark chocolate drizzlePassion - Thin cookie dipped in dark chocolate with white chocolate drizzleRomeo - Round shaped shortbread cookie (donut) dipped in milk chocolate with dark chocolate drizzleCelebration - Hazelnut cream cookie dipped in milk chocolate with dark chocolate drizzle
And so it goes.
My New Mantra (one of several)

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