Atheists Claim 'Eve was just a #Clone,' but @ApoPress (#ApologeticsPress) answers 'Yes, but an #Advanced Clone!' (Like iPhone11ProMax is a 'clone' of iPhone11Pro) @KyleButtAP #Cloning #Advancing #Advance #Advancement #Cloned #Clones
I watch a little more of apologist Kyle Butt's 'response to atheist accusations'—in these few minutes, he went into how even God described God's-self as 'a woman' (well, as "a mother caring for her children").
If I were trying to argue against him, I might try to differentiate there (and in most of the places he cited as 'praising the amazingness of the parental female') that The Bible isn't mentioning 'just any random gal' there, but Mothers—advanced beyond normal women!

'Those words' (below-hyperlinked to Amazon Prime Video's Answering Atheism page) are built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “Clone” is built on words that mean “to Strike, Cut” (see Holt).
The word “Advance” is built on words that mean “From (Ab-) + Before, in Front of, Against (Forehead)” (Improve, Further the Development of, Far Ahead in the Course of Actions or Ideas, being Beyond Others in Attainment, -Degree-etc.)
Or am I looking at that wrong (or 'wrongly' 🤓)? Tell
me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
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