So, Should We #Twiberals & #Twibertarians & #Twemocrats & #Twindependents Join TruthSocial, or should we believe @KimIversonShow and Know that it''ll just be #TRUTHublicans & #TRUTHervatives on THAT network?

Kim speculates on the TMTG's social-platform in a video you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

Twiberals, Twibertarians, Twemocrats & Twindependents are portmanteaux of the name Twitter and the words Liberals, Libertarians, Democrats & Independents.
TRUTHublicans & TRUTHervatives are portmanteaux of the name TRUTH and the words Republicans & Conservatives

Interesting, that 'they' (or maybe 'we,' if they hire me on ... which they haven't even suggested could happen, but ... who knows?) call it #BigTent---NOT necessarily (Kim points out) "Free Speech"-- 

Big Tent--though they say it's based on the idea that 'everyone's invited to bring their own beliefs to the table to share with everyone'--is actually based on the 'ancient' practice of the Evangelist- (and often |Methodist) Christians' #Revival Rally, where 'everyone was invited'--yes--but only to hear the Only the beliefs that Agree with those of The One Team (or -Church or -Party)! 
The word “Revival” (may not be the word I'm thinking of, but they did have a lot of 'Big Tent Meetings' that celebrated "the Revival of America's Christian |Roots"-or-something) is built on ancient words that mean "to Live Again"
#Revivalist #Revivalism #Revive #Revives #Revived #Reviving #Revivalists #Revivals


something true of whichever truth you decide to claim is true (without evidence) ... reminds me of this song ...
