Discuss 'Why Christian #Evangelicals Continue to Support @realDonaldTrump' on @Quora

I link to the discussion through |that word| below; but first ... |That word| seems important; so I found out a little more about |that word| and share my findings with you below---maybe I'll add some notes beneath (and/or you might start/continue the discussion in the comments).

The word "Evangelicals" is atop a tower built on a foundation of ancient words that mean "Good Announcer, Messenger (ser Eu-, Angel)," evolving to mean "the Reward of Good Tidings, Bringer of Good News, Itinerant Preacher of The Gospel"---Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke & John were #TheEvangelists

which is also the rock beneath #Evangelism #Televangelism
 #Evangelist #Televangelist #Evangel #Evangelize #Evangelization
 #Evangelicals #Evangelically

And yes, I know Christians insist it's "Rewards for Bringing The Good News," but 'the Greek' makes no such distinction! 

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

Donald Trump meets a crowd of star-crossed Evangelicals, one of whom is holding up a big sign that reads, "THANK YOU, LORD JESUS, FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP!"

People who have taken their 'Evangelism'-message to "larger media than just 'live-action preaching in a tent"' are known as "Televangelists" (with the 'Tel-' probably coming from the first syllable of "Television," but it fits with all the media now in use (CDs, DVDs, online-video, streaming-services) so we might want to 'take the "Tele-" from "Teleport"' instead.

(Yes, both 'Tele-'s come from the same source; but we want to keep 'the good ones' separate from 'the Fake News reputation the past versions might carry.')
