My Sister-in-Law earned her #BachelorsDegree ... How Did schools (like @Portland_State) gain authority over #Bachelorhood? | @Bing

The word “Bachelorhood” is built on ancient words that mean "|Vassal Farmer, Adult |Serf without Land (one who tends a Field in his Lord's Demesne)" (related to ancient words that mean "|Cow, |Grazing Land"), or ancient words that mean "a Stick" (because the Squire's Weapon was a |Staff).
#Bachelors #Bachelor #BachelorsOfArts #BachelorsOfScience #BachelorParty #Bachelorette
The university degree is actually (I know all the degree-holders are "screaming inside") a #Baccalaureate, a word that (along with the above etymology (see |Bacillus)) is built on ancient words that mean "one who has Attained the Lowest Degree in a University, Advanced Student Lecturing under their Master's |Supervision but Not Yet Having a Personal |License" (influenced by ancient words that mean "Laurel |Berry").

