#Neverland Cartography - Plumbing the Depths of the Immortal Child | @Google @stlyricscom @getFANDOM @thatAshleyErin

I started on a review of Peter Pan & Wendy, but I bailed on it (after a little 'reporting' on the inspirations for the two characters' names) because 1) I didn't want to "spoil" the major differences between this "Peter Pan" & the other versions (which I'll do below) & 2) ... I guess I didn't feel like I'd built it up enough.

See, I guess I want to do 'a whole analysis' on "Peter's Never Never Never Land" (J.M. Barrie's original name for the realm whose name he shortened "the Never Land").

The word “Neverland” is Barrie's name for 'the |Realm a character (Wendy |Darling) Imagined in Stories she'd tell the other children'---a name Barrie probably chose under the influence of #NeverNever (a contemporary term for |Outback Australia ... but see Never, Land). 
This fantasy island was conceived in Barrie's mind during his adventurous friendship with the |Llewellyn Davies boys (the standout among them being Peter), when they would imagine themselves adventuring in Stevenson's Treasure Island
Nowadays, people use the term 'Neverland' in reference to any Ideal or Imaginary |Place. (Although when people described the Australian |Outback this way, it was because it was a place they would Never, Never want to go.) 
But perhaps the 'Never' that Barrie used was the Magic of the Land---the Special Condition of Permanence, where Nothing Changes & one Never Grows Old.
like #NeverNeverNeverLand #NeverNeverLand, the infamous #NeverlandRanch - there's also #CloudCuckooland #Cockaigne #FiddlersGreen, past #SecondStarToTheRight

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

Though I can't stop thinking of (and so I feel more and more sure of my guess that it's 'the Land of Never-Changing') the poem used as lyrics in the original Disney-movie:
I have a place where dreams are born,
And time is never planned.
It's not on any chart,
You must find it with your heart.
Never Never Land.
It might be miles beyond the moon,
Or right there where you stand.
Just keep an open mind,
And then suddenly you'll find
Never Never Land.
You'll have a treasure if you stay there,
More precious far than gold.
For once you have found your way there,
You can never, never grow old.
And that's my home where dreams are born,
And time is never planned.
Just think of lovely things.
And your heart will fly on wings,
Forever in Never Never Land.
You'll have a treasure if you stay there,
More precious far than gold.
For once you have found your way there,
You can never, never grow old.
And that's my home where dreams are born,
And time is never planned.
Just think of lovely things.
And your heart will fly on wings,
Forever in Never Never Land
I guess I'll start with the main "SPOILERS" I want to mention. Skipping straight to the ending: Wendy grows up. Maybe Peter learns about 'growing up'--reconciling with Captain Hook and living in peace in their Forever-land or something--but we don't see that. All we see is 'Wendy returning to her mother & saying goodbye to Peter Pan as he floats away in the ship he 'commandeered' from Captain.'

That gets into the other main "SPOILER"---that Captain Hook was once James, Peter Pan's best friend & the first Lost Boy. Apparently, James wanted to find his mother again---which angered Peter, who sent James out to try to find his mother & banished him from The Home Underground.

'Apparently' (because we don't actually see this happening ... it's all Peter's & Hook's 'exposition' (pipe-laying) when they bring up their old argument), James left the 'Never'-zone to try to find his mother, never found her & was too old to be anything but a pirate when he returned to Neverland.

That's when he got a job on The Jolly Roger and worked his way up to Captain. (I'm not sure if that was before- or after he earned the name Hook & developed Chronomentrophobia (the fear of timepieces).)

Stumbling upon this list of callbacks & Easter Eggs, I see that Captain Hook is usually interpreted as 'the children's mental image for their father' (i.e. the two characters are usually played by the same actor)---an interpretation not made in this version, and I don't think Wendy's father had A PART in the Spielberg production HOOK.
My New Mantra (one of several)

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