It seems that Each Political Party holds to a #Motto; come tell me if I get these #Mottoes wrong | @ballotpedia @bing @fabrikbrands ... @GOP @TheDemocrats @LPnational @GreenPartyUS @Cnstitutionprty @iVoters @AlaskanIndepen1 @InAmParty @liberty_union @ModerateUnited @mountainpartywv @peaceandfreedom @progparty @ReformParty @TPPatriots @WorkingFamilies

I discuss "my judgment of the political-parties' mottoes" in a paying forum you can join FOR FREE through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Motto” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Mutter, |Mumble, |Murmur, |Grunt (which somehow evolved into words that mean 'Word, Saying, Legend Attached to a |Heraldic Design, Phrase or Emblem |Inscribed on something to indicate its |Tenor or |Symbolic Significance')"
#Mot #Mottos #MottoKiss (like a #HersheysKiss, but with poetry written on the wrapper)


Like I think I say in the "Title," I really want to know what the Party-mottoes are to you; but we'll start with 'my guesses' (or possibly 'my guesses that have been changed due to comments I've gotten so-far'):
    Not sure what I think (when it was still early in the morning), I looked up 'political party mottos,' and it thought I might be looking for the Slogans---maybe that's what I mean ... but we'll start with 'my guesses' (edited as I learn more):
  • Republicans - trusted family & the family's trusted friends know best what the family needs to survive.
  • Democrats - we know the best way for ourselves, and need the freedom to choose that
  • Libertarians (yes, it's a 'third party'; but Oklahoma (infamously Conservative) recognizes it as a "straight party ticket" option on their ballot) - trusted family & their friends know best, but we should be free to decide differently
    • And then the rest of the 'third parties' (all called "third" because it's infamously a "two-party system), listed on ballotpedia---where you can 'read all about them,' because I don't think I'm going to put all the Parties' information 'right here' at this moment ...
  • Green (recognized in 17 States) - society should be led by Peace & Non-Violence, Ecological Wisdom, Grassroots Democracy & Social Justice
  • Constitution (recognized by 12-or-14 States---originally the U.S. Taxpayers' Party) - federal government should be limited those functions delegated & enumerated in the U.S. Constitution (with principles noted there & -in the Declaration of Independence & -in the Bill of Rights)
  • Independent voters - ???
  • Conservative - ???
  • Justice (for Vermonters) - ???
  • Liberty Union - ??? (also based in Vermont)
  • Moderate - ???
  • Mountain - an affiliate of The Green Party & a.k.a. The Working People's Party
  • Peace & Freedom - ???
  • Progressive - ???
  • Reform - ???
  • Tea Party Party - from the name, I would guess their motto to be something like 'Change through Civil Disobedience'
  • Working Families - ???
(In case the Twitter-tags don't all feed-through when I share this link, they are  @GOP @TheDemocrats @LPnational @GreenPartyUS @Cnstitutionprty @iVoters @AlaskanIndepen1 @InAmParty @liberty_union @ModerateUnited @mountainpartywv @peaceandfreedom @progparty @ReformParty @TPPatriots @WorkingFamilies ... thank you)

... and I'm sure there are lots more Parties (along with individual States' branches of the assorted Parties)

I really enjoy sharing my unique perspectives on politics and entertainment (both currently and of the recent- & distant past), and I'm thankful to you for liking this enough to subscribe (FOR FREE) to get alerts when I post something new and -to comment below (to tell me how crazy or -ingenious or -foolish or -enlightening-etc. my writing is).
