The Latest ... The #Tirades that Rush Past as I Recline ... Redefining "Retirement"? Maybe ... or Maybe I'm Going Back to the Original Definition! | #Tirade @Microsoft @YouTube @Wikipedia @Swagbucks

I recline, and comment on the Tirades that flow by. 

I'll explain a little below the Subscribe-bar (and then endlessly list the tirades I see online); but first I want to understand that word (a foundation beneath the word "Retire") better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Tirade” is built on ancient words that mean "to Draw out, Endure, Suffer" (its meaning--the '"|Volley of Words' in a Long, |Vehement Speech"--leads some to believe it's from- or it's influenced by-ancient words that mean 'a |Volley' or 'to Endure Martyrdom').


Sort of 'as Lord Jesus prophesied,' ... something about 'the cart before the horse'? 'harvest too plentiful for the harvester to gather it all at once'? 'the gleaner out-cropping the cropper'? It'll come back to me; first, the latest links in the web's 'tirade' of content flowing into my senses:

The 'tirades' (below the quote from St. James) are coming from a few sources:
