Discussing Why (as @Jesse_Duplantis & @FansDuplantis know well) You Shouldn't #Expect @NameItNClaimIt @ProsperityAwards from ALL your 'Giving to a @ProsperityGospL Ministry'

First, I want to clarify that this is not 'against Jesse Duplantis'; I'm sure he's "a good Christian,"
 but that's not 'what we're watching him for' ... we're watching him to learn 'how he keeps the
 windows of Heaven open & pouring down blessings on his house.'

So I'm giving some notes I took listening to one of his lectures (he does do some preaching,
 but he tells us to take notes); and I added some 'commentary' below, but I hope he'll comment
 to correct anything I got wrong ...)

We can discuss 'why you're not getting a good return on your giving' in a discussion (where You can make money by joining in) at the forum linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Expect” (& #Expectancy #Expectant #Expectation #Unexpected) is built on ancient words that mean "to Look (Observe) Thoroughly" (Wait with Anticipation).


Like I said, we discuss "the truth of the principle" at the 'Expect'-link above; but basically ...
  • the giving of your Tithe (10% of your income? I'll look it up, but I'm sure personal definitions differ) is Motivated by your Obedience - no ROI ... it's like prosperity-dues (not "church-dues," as your salvation isn't dependent upon your tithing; but ... it's like an 'ante' that buys you into a hand of poker, except of-course your 'winnings' are less dependent on "luck")
    • I think you can't even watch 'where your tithe goes' except that you "know" it's being put to The Will of God (i.e. you give it to The Church)
  • the giving of your First-Fruits (which I think are goods-&-services that you shouldn't figure as "part of your income") is Motivated by your Generosity - also expecting no ROI
    • I suppose the writing on this blog is MY First-Fruits, as it's given to share my thoughts with God's people.
  • the giving of your Alms ('given by your right hand without the knowledge of your left hand (Matthew 6:1-4)'--to mankind, not God--to preserve the Dignity of the donees' ... so also not "part of your income") is Motivated by your Compassion & Sympathy - only expecting a 1-to-1 ROI (Reimbursement promised in Proverbs 19:17)
  • and the only "profitable" giving is your Seed- (although others call 'ALL your giving-to-them' "seed") or Offering GivingMotivated by your '"Faith" in the Promise of "Reward"'
    • wait a minute! that sounds "wrong"; aren't Christians supposed to 'only hope that The Kingdom of God's account is overflowing,' and all they want for themselves is 'what they need to survive as they work selflessly to further The Kingdom of God'?

      The Jesse Duplantis sermon (from which I learned all this) only mentioned "FaithReward" as the Motivation for Seed Giving (it was focused on Almsgiving). I'm not sure how those're connected, so I'm guessing the 'in the Promise of'-part.
  • ... anyway, The Seed is where you expect to find your 'Exponential Profits' (Prosperity Gospel-ers 'appropriate' the "some 30-, some 60-, some 100-fold"-quote from Lord Jesus Christ's "Parable of the Sower")---Duplantis tells us that this giving starts at your "11%" and gives you profit that cancels debt & eliminates poverty, but only if you put it in "fertile soil"
God is a God of Process & Order. 'The Process-&-Order Above' is "The Way Jesse Duplantis has been Following ('I Do Nothing but What God Advises & Say Nothing but What God Says' ... although I (not Jesse) make some comments, I'm sure you see where)," & Jesse's Prosperity is Proof of 'God's Leading of Jesse' (God's Leading of You may be a little different from that of Jesse).

The Motivation is important because--Jesse says (undoubtedly backed by Scripture & by personal failures & successes)--that 'if you take one type of giving & change it to another type (Jesse gives several examples), you change your ROI!'

And I suppose the giving 'changes types' if you give for a reason other than the one that should motivate it (e.g. if you take out of your Obedience-10% and give it to a ministry that looks like it needs it).
