What's My #Motivation Here? (because I Need a Reminder of My Goal, My Reason(s) for Writing; so I Suppose it's something EVERYONE could use, whether you're @POTUS or @StephenAtHome)
I'll state/list my reasons beneath the follow-bar; but first–after a mention of the free mining-software (giving us free Bitcoin in exchange for energy we're wasting anyway)–I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The word “Motivation” is built on ancient words that mean "to Push Away (Having Power to Move, Controlling Motion, Causing the Moving, Impelling, Drive, Will, Bringing Forward ... along with the suffixes -ate, -ion)."
#Motivate #SelfMotivation #SelfMotivated #SelfMotivating #SelfMotivational #Motivational #Motivated #Motivating #Demotivate #Motivator #Unmotivated #Motive #Leitmotif #Locomotive #Motif #Motiveless
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
Why am I writing this?
First, we have the reasons you might see in my 'default text' ('the etymology' and a few of the things above 'the etymology' & 'in the footer'): 'to teach you (about these words, about news & politics & entertainment & religion etc.)' &/with-the-assisting-motivation-of 'to share my unique perspectives.'
But most of 'what I do all day' is done to make sure my brain doesn't 'lethargize' into a glob of lifeless mush ... watching comedies & dramas with the CCs on (to refresh my reading eyes with the words that I connect with what my listening ears hear), playing 'games' that exercise the various strengths of my brain stores, etc.
And so it goes.
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the 'force' that causes you to find profit & fulfillment by doing these few favors for me 🙏🏽 |
I really enjoy sharing my unique perspectives, and I'm thankful to you for liking this enough to subscribe (FOR FREE) to get alerts when I post something new and -to comment below (to tell me how crazy or -ingenious or -foolish or -enlightening-etc. my writing is).
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