See if You Agree with us that #goli (#AppleCiderVinegar Gummies) are ... whatever this Forum says they are ... | @CourtneyMermaid @NameEcho1 #Cider #Vinegar #Vinegary #Vinegarish

Certified holistic nutrition- & health-coach Courtney Mermaid 'swears by' Apple-Cider Vinegar (#ACV), but is thoroughly disgusted by it.

goli solves that disgust with their  the Apple-Cider Vinegar Gummies, but ...

Well, we might discuss the negative factors in the forum (that pays us to participate) linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The name |goli| is built on ancient words that mean ... I'm still waiting to hear back from Goli Nutrition (or not, I don't really check my email), but it could be: the prison-island ("the Croatian Alcatraz" that also frequently served as sheep's grazing-field) whose name means Barren |Island, the Romanian for Empty, the Polish- or Swahili for Goal, ancient words for the |Nut of the |Cypress Tree
it might be 'a modification of |Goji,' a type of Berry they use in the gummies; Name Echo says all sorts of things about the name, but mostly that "it conjures |Benevolence, Awareness & |Spontaneity"; 
a boy's given-name, it means Bullet ... or the Nutrition-Company's Name might be something relatively arbitrary (like 'the initials of the owner's names' or something).
The word |Cider| is built on ancient words that mean Strong |Liquor (applied to Apple-Juice, both before- (#SweetCider) and after-Fermentation (#HardCider)). 
The word |Vinegar| is built on ancient words that mean "Sour (somehow related to Eager) Wine" (|Ascetic). #Vinaigrette


Consumer Survey tells us,

"Mother"-Derived Gummies: A Weight Management Must

At the bottom of an apple cider vinegar bottle, there's a cloudy layer called the "mother." The mother is the key component for weight management as it contains all of the beneficial nutrients, including acetic acid. 

This acid helps turns fat into energy instead of excess weight. Another way apple cider vinegar can help with weight management by making you feel "fuller" despite consuming fewer calories.

If your gummies don't contain the "mother," you might as well be eating candy.

They also tell us,

What To Look For In An Apple Cider Vinegar Gummy:

Apple Cider Vinegar from the "Mother"

The "Mother" is the cloudy colony of bacteria that you would ordinarily see at the bottom of a bottle of apple cider vinegar. It contains yeast, amino acids, and enzymes and is what makes apple cider vinegar so healthy.

Pomegranate and/or Beet Juice Powder

Pomegranate and Beet juice have similar effects to apple cider vinegar on the body. They help promote fat loss through their high fiber content and provide nutrients like potassium which benefits the heart.


Though certain B-vitamins have specific functions, they all help your body produce important molecules that help you produce new cells and energy, especially vitamin B12, B9 (folic acid), and B6.

What To Avoid

The Ingredient Magnesium Stearate

This cheap filler is used to help bind ingredients together and lubricate the supplement so it doesn’t gum up when it is run through the manufacturing machines. Magnesium stearate adds no nutritional value and can become toxic to your system.

Relying Only On Amazon Reviews

There's been evidence of companies manipulating the review process. According to recent reports, it's estimated that 64% of supplement reviews on  Amazon have been manipulated for higher ratings. By doing this, you could be wasting your money or even buying something that risks your health.

