Your Problem with Me (Why You Haven't Married Me) - I've Reached #MyGoal, and Don't Even KNOW #YourGoal well-enough to make it #OurGoal @Ecosia @NWOKC #Goal #Goals #Goalie #GoalSetting #SetOurGoal #GoalTending
Basically this: I am where I want to be in my old age.
I keep hearing couples say they want to grow old together. I'm here, growing old ... why isn't there a crowd of ladies fighting for my hand in marriage?
'That word' (below-hyperlinked to The Internet's response to 'the question I'm afraid to ask') is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “Goal” is ... odd—no apparent structures beneath it ... maybe it's a Bedrock Foundation itself! It has appeared in poetry (as the word gol) with the sense “Boundary, Limit.” It also resembles ancient words that mean "Obstacle, Barrier, Hinder, Way, Course, Narrow Glen, Passage, Long Pole, Stake" (Place where the Ball/Puck-etc. is Put in order to Score, Object of an Effort).

Why everyone else is fine with that and I'm 'the only one' who is upset ('the only one I know,' anyway)? Another Big Blame I have: my traumatic brain-injury, which makes my senses 'untrustworthy' (not "evil" per se, but ... for one thing, I'm partly blind in my left eye—my right eye covers most of the loss, but there's a lack of depth-perception & of peripheral vision; and my reaction-time is lacking as well).
So long-and-short: I can't "take you out," and I usually can't be 'where you would know that I would like for you to ask me out.'
Or am I looking at that wrong (or 'wrongly' 🤓)? Tell
me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
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