The Best #Vikings in #Scandinavia: #Norwegian, #Swedish or #Danish? #ThorELptirdaLr at #NorseMagicAndHistory helps you decide

First I want to understand those words better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word #Viking ... I was always told that it was what they were called because they would go through their battles hacking away at enemies announcing something-like "Vy King! Vy King!" ('We Are KingWe Are King!"); ...

... but my source's sources say that it's actually built on ancient words that mean |Creek, |Inlet, Small Bay (|Freebooter, |Sea-|Rover or Pirate who came from the |Fjords) or Village, Camp, |Habitation (as temporary camps were a common feature of Viking |Clans' raids).
The word #Scandinavian is built on ancient words that mean "#Scadia (a root of unsure meaning ... maybe the |People's |Name for their |Homeland |Habitat) on the Water." 
The word #Norway is built on ancient words that mean North Way (to Go, Move, Transport in a Vehicle). 
The word #Sweden is built on ancient words that mean "Land of the #Swedes." The word #Swede is built on ancient words that mean either "Free, Independent" or "|Kinsman (which is the root-meaning of 'King,' incidentally)." 
The word #Denmark is built on ancient words that mean "|Sand Bank or Low Ground (home of the #Dane ... Dune?)" + Border (Mark).


I don't know if he mentions any Vikings from Iceland
 or Finland or Ajand or the Faroe Islands ...
