@WIRED's Dialect Coaches @AccentVoiceGuy #ErikSinger & @DialectsNow #Eliza Simpson break down Word-Nerds' #PetPeeves | @YouTube @Poynter

In the video (fed below (beneath the Subscribe-bar and my notes on the presentation)), Erik helps us word-nerds set our minds at ease before we 'satisfy our nagging-joneses' at people who talk bad*.

Some professionals list their biggest Pet Peeves in an article linked through 'the main word' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The phrase "Pet #Peeves" are 'things that |Provoke one the Most." #PetPeeve
The word “Peeves” is built on ancient words that mean "to Turn About (|Pervert)" (|Irritate, |Exasperate, |Grumble, |Complain; Cross, |Fretful, Ill-Tempered). #Peeve #Peeving #Peeved #Peevish

Erik (with a little help from Eliza) discusses the following 'Pet Peeves':
And they tie it all together seamlessly (almost 'eggcorned' "seemlessly" there) with ...
