#TrollersGottaTroll #Trolling #Troller #Troll #Trolls

I have been accused of "Trolling" many times (like President Trump, but of-course not so-loudly as he has in so-very-many ways—books (yes, more than one!), TV shows, tabloid features, The Presidency ...).

And–if you define it as 'saying something provocative, just to get a reaction' (a definition said to come from a combination of 'the under-bridge beast'-meaning and the 'Fishing by Dragging the Line in the Water'-meaning)–most media-interaction is 'Trolling.'

The word “Troll” is built on ancient words that mean “to Roll from Side-to-Side, |Trundle” (to Walk with Short |Steps; the way a Giant, Inhuman, Evil Monster (Troublesome |Imp said to live |Underground) is said to walk; |Charm, |Witchcraft; Song Sung in-a |Full, rolling Voice and/or -with Harmony that is Repetition of the Melody (i.e. singing in a round), perhaps by mistaking troll for the words Trail or |Trawl; |Catch Fish with Moving Line, Lure on with moving Bait, Entice).
