In my 20s & 30s, I would go to a neighborhood karaoke-bar about once-a-week, and I had 'the songs I would often do.' (And either 'my tastes in songs-to-sing were especially odd' or 'I'm just too narcissistic to notice when anybody else is singing anything else (although I did notice some songs that other regulars could say were "their songs"),' but I don't think anybody else did "my songs"🤩.)
That stems from 'my performance of solos in elementary-school choir, -in various other talent-shows' ... leading to my yearly performance in the Mountain High Camp talent-show.
I'll get to 'my set-lists' after I do |that word|'s etymology ... |That word| seems important; so I found out a little more about |that word| (below-linked to ... something about 'the show which brought |that word| to my attention') and share my findings with you below---maybe I'll add some notes beneath (and/or you might start/continue the discussion in the comments).
... and I have to mention that a lot of help (a share of revenue, extra topics from magazines & advertising, etc.) comes from WowApp: Using the Wowism Community's Fairness to Prevail over Economic Greed
The word |Modifying| sits at the peak of the high tower above the proto-word *med- "Take Appropriate Measures" + *dhe- "to Set, Put," which combined into ancient words that mean "Make of a different Manner" & evolved through ancient words that mean "to Set Limits, Amend, Alter."
just like #Modify #Modifies #Modified #Mod #Mods #Modification
#Modifications #Modifier #Modifiers #Transmogrify #Unmodified
You can click those links to hear those songs & -can comment to tell me which one you think I should sing, but it's probably too late to change it (or change it back ... as I think "Testify" is more 'the message I want to proclaim'---more 'what there is to find in our future' than 'the past that I have to push aside to get there').
- Inka-Dinka-Doo (Jimmy Durante) - although I did it in 'a 10- or 11-year-old's falsetto' (although is it still "a falsetto" when it's 'your actual voice'?) and not Durante's vocal fry
Then there was 'the one audition-song that ever worked for me,' "When You're Alone" from Hook - That got me into Putnam City Schools' "COUNTERPOINT"-production Li'l Abner, when I played Itchy McRabbit (the same character Jerry Lewis played in the 1959 film) and joined in with The Scraggs (the others in Abner's entourage) on
- A Typical Day
- Dearly Beloved
- ... I don't remember any of the other songs; my part was mostly just 'running around & reacting to the other songs'
- Then I got into my violin- & percussion-music (usually not at the same time) when I loved to play.
- Ashokan Farewell (the violin-solo made famous in Ken Burns' docu-series THE CIVIL WAR ... I've never heard those lyrics before though)
- the theme from Schindler's List
- I played a marching-snare the year Putnam City High's band did ... I think it was null
I was a Drum Major (Assistant-to-the-Assistant Drum Major ... after one season on Timpani Drums) the following years ... mostly out of 'pity' I'm sure--though I was worthy of it--after my brain-injury; when we played - ... I don't remember ... we did 'Blood, Sweat & Tears'-songs one year ("Spinning Wheel" etc.)
- I sang "Rabbi Elemelekh" in one talent-show.
Then--when I got old-enough, obviously--I made my way to the Karaoke-bar, and would frequently sing - "Bohemian Rhapsody" by QUEEN
- "Dragula" by Rob Zombie
- "Master of the House" from Les Miserables
- ... and maybe there were a few other songs I (and almost nobody else) would sing, but now I'm getting into 'the songs I'd sing at the Mountain High Camp talent-show
- "Lord of the Dance" (the classic hymn, not the 'new-fangled' Christian Pop)
- "Everything You Know is Wrong," a Weird Al song that (like many other funny- or Broadway-songs) helped me reconstruct my neural pathways.
- "When the God-Man Passes By"
Now I'm going to 'compulse' a few of these songs (and come back & hyperlink their titles hear to 'the compusory posts') ...
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My New Mantra (one of several) - Nothing is forever except Change (BUddhA) |
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