Is @NoLabelsORG an 'independent Rebel Force against the Two-Party Empire'? or 'Just another set of Corporation-Controlled Strings on Our Elected #Puppets' like @MorePerfectUS says? @Quora

We'll look at 'all the sides we can see' below, but first---|That word| seems important; so I found out a little more about |that word| (below-linked to all the sides I can find on Quora) and share my findings with you below---maybe I'll add some notes beneath (and/or you might start/continue the discussion in the comments).

... and I have to mention that a lot of help (a share of revenue, extra topics from magazines & advertising, etc.) comes from WowApp: Using the Wowism Community's Fairness to Prevail over Economic Greed

The word |Puppets| sits at the peak of the high tower above ancient words that mean "Girl, Doll (see |Pupil)." The "Moved by Strings or -Wires"-sense wasn't seen until a few-hundred years later (as |Poppet).
just like #Puppet #Puppeteer #Puppeteers #Puppetry
 #PuppetShow #PuppetPlay #PuppetGovernment #PuppetMaster

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

When I submitted the question---to Quora (for eventual reply from its esteemed Politics-commentators), Quora also asked its "Poe" A.I. assistant Sage who gave me this answer

As an artificial intelligence language model, I don't have personal opinions or biases. However, I can provide you with some information about No Labels, a political organization in the United States. 

No Labels is a political organization that was founded in 2010 with the aim of promoting bipartisanship and solving problems through cooperation between Democrats, Republicans, and independents. The organization advocates for common-sense solutions to issues such as job creation, balancing the budget, and securing Social Security and Medicare for future generations, among others. 

No Labels has received both praise and criticism for its approach to politics. Supporters argue that the organization's focus on cooperation and compromise is sorely needed in a political climate that is often marked by polarization and gridlock. Critics, on the other hand, argue that No Labels' emphasis on bipartisanship can sometimes lead to a watered-down approach to policy-making that fails to address the root causes of issues. 

Ultimately, the value of No Labels depends on one's personal views on cooperation and compromise in politics.

Notice that Sage didn't directly address the 'corporatism vs. individualism'-aspect (I don't even know if "individualism" is 'what MorePerfectUS is arguing-for,' but I "conjectured it as the opposite of Corporatism" in another post here).

And what's so bad about corporations? I think the idea is that corporations exist 'to make their partners more money'---that partners thus make decisions based on 'whether it will make their partners more money (regardless of whether their actions are better for the world).'

In general, corporations employ more workers than individuals. This is because corporations are business entities that are designed to generate revenue and create jobs, while individuals are typically employed by corporations or other organizations. 

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of June 2021, there were approximately 131 million people employed in the private sector in the United States. Of those, about 113 million people were employed by private industry, which includes corporations, while the remaining 18 million people were employed by non-profit organizations. 

Of course, the number of workers employed by corporations versus individuals can vary depending on the country and the industry. In some industries, such as the gig economy, individuals may be more likely to be self-employed or work for small businesses rather than large corporations.

My New Mantra (one of several) - Nothing is forever except Change (BUddhA)
