@MatPatGT explains Why You Might Think his #FoodTheory is "Lying" - #Bioavailability, Humanity's #LactoseIntolerance, #Calcium

grrr ... YouTube makes this available to "embed," but they don't take 'the option' out of the videos that don't allow 'embedding'; so I'm loading this code here, which may or may not lead to The Food Theory video ...

The word “Bioavailability” (meaning "the fraction of nutrients available to the cells & tissues in a living organism") is built of the prefix #Bio- & the word #Availability.

just like #Bioavailabilities #Bioavailable 

The prefix "Bio-" is built on ancient words that mean "to Live."

The word "Availability" is built on ancient words that mean "to be Strong- or Worthy To (Capability of Desired & Advantageous Use, Beneficial, Valid, Effective ... see -ity, -able, Ad-)."

just like #Availabilities #Unavailability #Unavailabilities #Available #Availably #Unavailable #Avail #Avails #Availed #Availling #Availment

Lactose Intolerance is humans' inability to make the Lactase that absorbs the #Lactose (Milk-Sugar) they eat or drink (unless they're children or -among the third of adults who retain the ability). 

The word "Lactose" is built of the standard ending in chemical-names of Sugars (that's the suffix #ose; which has no etymological connection with Sugar, but is used due to the influence of Glucose) & ancient words that mean "Milk." 

The word "Calcium" is built on ancient words that mean "|Limestone (see |Chalk)" with the metallic chemical ending -ium.

just like #Calcic

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

And so it goes.
My New Mantra (one of several)

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