@January6thCmte hits Drumpf with Four #CriminalReferrals (to the @DOJCrimDiv), #TheOxfordScientist reports

Yes, The Oxford Scientist explains the committee's 4 criminal referrals in a blog you can get to through 'the emboldened link(s)' below, which could be summarized as 'charges of #Fraud'; TOS explains the four charges more-specifically there, but first–after a mention of the free mining-software (giving us free Bitcoin in exchange for energy we're wasting anyway)–I want to teach you about those words. 

And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Fraud” is built on ancient words that mean "Cheating, Deceit."
#PiousFraud #Defraud #Fraudster #Fraudulence #Defrauded #Defrauding #Fraudsman #Frauditor #Fraudulent


The Four Crimes (described more fully at the link above, tho I might research the words-themselves and link to that research below):
  1. Obstruction of an Official Proceeding
  2. Conspiracy to Defraud the U.S. Government
  3. Making False Statements to the U.S. Government
  4. Insurrection
I haven't paid close-enough attention to 'the committee hearings' to know exactly 'what the non-President said or did officially,' so I can only guess on the main crime---the one they call "Insurrection" (though it was rendered into nothing more than 'a riot mob').

I'm guessing that his argument will be something like, 'if his words inspired the rioters to "charge the capitol building" (which were his exact words, though he probably mean them "metaphorically"), it was entirely their choice to do so.'

And I'm guessing that the prosecutors can counter that with testimony stating that the rioters would not have been there if he had not invited them (and a lot more compelling evidence).

My New Mantra (one of several)

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