Does the @BraveInstitute NEED more #LifeCoaches? Or are they just #Cheating us to Add #LifeCoach-wannabe Addresses to Their List? - Discovering the #BraveThinkingInstitute @MaryMorrissey @MatBoggs
So an ad I saw while playing a Facebook-Game asked, "Are you meant to be a Life-Coach? Find out here! (at the link they provided, which I share through the main word below)," and they said something about 'a free eBook.'
And I expected 'a little personality-test' (in which I--an MBTI-ESTJ/ESFJ or -ENFJ ๐--am obviously super-interested); and they kinda gave me one, but they didn't give me 'the results' (unless they send them with the emailed-link to the ebook ... which I haven't gotten yet ...)
BTI offers a little introduction on the page linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)
The word โCheating (like #Cheat #Cheated #Cheater #Cheats; the meaning of a word at the base of Scam)โ is built on ancient words that mean "to Fall Out" (it descends from an Old French Legal-practice by which Property 'falls' to The State when The Owner Dies without an Heir---a practice which many Royal Officers used rather Un|scrupulously (the way some Lawyers are said to find Clients by 'Chasing Ambulances), leading the meaning to evolve from |Confiscation to Unfair |Deprivation to Deceit, |Imposing, Trickery).
As I was saying; they have sent me 'one further question' (which they want me to answer by 'clicking a link' leading to ... "sharing [my] compassion and talents with the world"๐ค). 'Clicking' that link ... I'm taken to an 'introductory video' that tells me a) I didn't click 'the right answer' (I said that I already was a Life-Coach, and the video thought I had meant 'already certified through another program') & b) that they weren't sure about their own name (I had thought I was interacting with The Brave Thinking Institute, but the video was introducing me to The Life Mastery Institute๐ค both Institutes under the umbrella of Life SOULutions That Work (LLC)).
Choosing 'the right answer' (that I'm just not sure about the business/marketing side of life-coaching), Mat Boggs 'allays' the natural fear (or is it 'assuages'? ... work-to-do ...) by explaining that it's just the same as the "monster in the closet" that toddlers fear is there when the lights are out and they hear the unexplained noises (house settling for the night, air-conditioner roaring, etc.)---then a grown-up comes and turns on the light and opens the closet and reveals that there neither a monster there nor any way for a monster to get there!
... and I watched the rest of the video, and I'm thinking I'm not "fit for their program." The main reason why not? the idea that I "have to sign-up paying clients" in order to succeed as a Life-Coach.
While I'd like to get paid per-reader & per-post, the best advice I get is the advice that's FREE for me (if you don't count the spare seconds I spend watching commercials between entertainment-breaks ๐).
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