@nbcsnl Carries the Torch of the Eternal #Conspiracy between the Pro- and the De-Nouncers, Imitators of 2 Kinds #Conspire #Conspiracies #Conspires #Conspiring #Conspirers

I saw it when I was watching this historic event ... not a historic event like 'the launching of a first voyage' or 'the inauguration of a President,' but an "ascension"—just like Tina Fey & Amy Poehler/Jan Hooks/Kate McKinnon & Phil Hartman/Darrell Hammond/Jason Sudeikis/Taran Killam/Alec Baldwin & Dana Carvey 'ascended' to the roles of Sarah Palin & Hilary Clinton & Donald Trump & George Bush, Cecily Strong has 'ascended' to the role of Judge Jeanine Pirro

And I think it's a very-real possibility that these impersonators (denouncers) may very-well be mistaken by our great-great grandchildren as the pronouncers they portray ... just like we-ourselves (I say as I strap on my tin-foil hat) might actually be thinking of 'actors on film' when we think of historical figures in our distant past.

The word “Conspiracy” carries the scent of “to Agree, Unite, Plot” (literally Breathe Together (Con- + Spirit) ... the word makes me think of Two Show-Planes Spiraling together to leave a Vortex of Smoketrails).

For example: Jesus Christ ... I say that name, and you probably think of a face a lot like the man in this painting...

But that's actually a painting of an illegitimate son of Pope Alexander 6 ... the actual Jesus Christ looked 'something like this' (we can't say for sure, since it's not likely a Nazarean in His lowly position would've had the wealth needed to commission a painting):
