I Think Trump's Aim was to End His Presidency with an #Assassination | @MilHistNow #USPresidentsList @PracticePeace1
I've been slowly re-watching MSNBC's coverage of the last "January Sixth"-committee meeting, and it hit me, "What better way for him to be remembered?"
I'll discuss 'the way he'll be remembered NOW' (MSNBC's coverage, hyperlinked through the emboldened words below); but first–after a mention of the free mining-software (giving us free Bitcoin in exchange for energy we're wasting anyway), and a note that I'm not condoning assassination (that it's a terrible thing to do, even if it's something you're trained to do flawlessly)–I want to teach you about those words.
And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The word |Assassination| is built on an Arabic nickname for the Nizari Ismalli sect of Islam (in the Crusades' Middle East)---a nickname (see also |Bedouin) from the same source as #Hashish (which is a nickname for Cannabis and is often abbreviated Hash), built on ancient words that mean "|Dry Herb, Rough Grass, |Hay (Powdered Hemp)."
#Assassin #Assassinate #Assassinated #Assassinating #Assassins #Assassinates #Assassinations
Again, I'm NOT suggesting that 'someone should've assassinated Trump Sr.': but I'm thinking---thinking of all the Presidents whose Presidencies did end with their assassinations (the only Twitter-profile I found when I looked up 'us presidents list' was PracticePeace1). Is that not the closest one can get to the glory of 'Kings that died on the battlefield'?
If someone had assassinated Richard Nixon, would Watergate be anything more than another brand of office-complexes (or was/is it 'a hotel franchise'?) And wouldn't Nixon be remembered more as 'the President that got us out of ... some war or the other? (the way Lincoln got us through the Civil War? or Kennedy got us to The Moon?)'
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
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