#ReVerseMedSpa (OKC) offers to "Reveal" Your Abs ... Do They Mean #Unveil or 'Grow' (like #Grass)?

Their ad-banner said "Reveal Your Abdomen," but 'reveal' isn't anywhere on the page to which the banner sent me. It may be I remembered the ad wrong, and it actually said "ReVerse" (the actual name of the Med Spa).

The landing-page offers several services---a few of which might 'Reveal Your Abdomen' ...

I'll talk about those services below the subscribe-bar (beneath the way you can access their page through 'the bold, linked word(s)' below); but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Unveil (Un- + #Veil ... meaning of a word in the foundation beneath Reveal)” is built on ancient words that mean "to Weave a Web" (other 'foundations of the word' mean "a Sail").
#Unveiled #Unveiling #Veiled #Veiling #ToTakeTheVeil (Become a Nun)
The word “Grass (meaning of a word in the foundation beneath the word Grow)” is built on ancient words that mean Grow, become Green ... and maybe ancient words that mean Plant, Herb.
#Grassy #Bluegrass #Crabgrass #GrassRoots #Grasshopper #Grassland #SandGrass #SweetGrass #Wiregrass #GrassGreen #GrassSkirt #KeepOffTheGrass (sign first featured in NYC's Central Park) #GrassFed (as opposed to 'stall-fed' livestock)


(interesting ... a related word is 'the study of flags'---Vexillology)

among the services they offer, these might 'reveal your abs':
  • Body Contouring

    Many of us have unwanted inches and unsightly cellulite in places that we just cannot control no matter what exercise or diet we try. Do not get frustrated. Get results! Our body contouring services at ReVerse Med Spa OKC can help you reduce stubborn fat and cellulite. We use a combination of state of the art technologies and techniques to help you look great and feel your best. Learn more about our body contouring services and book your consultation today.

  • Fat Removal

    Stubborn fat can be a real buzz kill for those who are dieting and exercising, however, with our innovate fat removal services we can help our clients see up to a 40% reduction in body fat. We can help you reduce stubborn fat and cellulite with the premier fat removal/laser lipo services in OKC. ReVerse Med Spa OKC technicians use premier technology and techniques to get the results you want with zero downtime. Learn more about our fat removal services and book your consultation today.
