Find Me as a #DiamondInTheRough, as I Hope to Find You ... #Diamond #Rough #Roughly

The phrase “Diamond in the Rough” refers to ... something I'm really not—“a person who |Appears |Tough on the outside, but truly has a Good, Kind |Heart.” ... Oh, I'm kind & good; but I'm not usually 'tough!' I think of "the way Disney's Aladdin put it" when I think of 'a diamond in the rough'—the wonderful treasure you find (in your heart) when you forsake "the royal life" in favor of 'life with a "street rat" (obviously upgrading his living-conditions to yours)'. 
The word “Diamond” carries the scent of “Unbreakable, In|flexible” (|Adamant, a person of Great |Worth). 
The word “Rough” carries the scent of “Broken |Ground; to Smash, |Knock down, |Tear out, Dig up” (to |Rush, Fall |Violently, Collapse, Wrinkle, |Shrink).
