The @JediCouncilTFN deliberates over 'the Collective-Noun for- (word for #aGroupOf) Nerds

The Jedi Council lists several possibilities through 'the emboldened link(s)' below (hyperlinking my personal favorite - a #Hive of Nerds (after the #Hivemind of The Borg Collective); actually that's just the first I 'like' (or 'haven't "done" yet') and I'll look through the list and list the ones I like below the follow-bar, but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word "Hive” is built on ancient words that mean "|Tub, |Cask, |Vat (see Cup)" (along with other ancient words, which mean "Cave, |Pit, Hollow, Bowl, Round Container, |Hull of a Ship
... somehow evolving from that to ancient words that mean "Beehive" (which is also a Hairstyle & a star-cluster in 'Karka' (the constellation Cancer))---probably by the way Crews (of Sailors) or Tribes (of Cavemen) would emerge from their Containers like Bees from a Hive).
#Hives #Hived #Hiving #Beehive


The shows, from upper left: STAR TREK, SERENITY, DOCTOR WHO, STAR WARS' Jedi, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, FARSCAPE, STAR WARS' Galactic Empire, The Cylon from BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, The V (of V) whose motto was "We Are of Peace"

The other suggested collective-nouns for nerds?
a Pod, Network, Forum, Desperation, **** (I don't know if that was the actual suggestion or -the censorship of one of the suggestions), Swarm, Jedi Council Community or TheForce.Net (tee-hee-hee), Fanforce, JC (maybe that's short for 'Jedi Council'), Epic, Paulowned, Tri-Lam (after Lambda Lambda Lambda), Ignant, Katya, Roper, Convention, Everton, Box (wait, 'Box of nerds' is the candy!), Thread, Parent's Basement, a Nerd Herd, a Derivative, a Council, an E=mc2, Quorum, Gaggle, a Virginity, a Bunch, a Dukat, Magic Cloak (+5 Defense), Superfriend, a Team Discovery Channel, LAN Party, Enterprise, Excelsior, Defiant, Rio Grande, Rotarran, Delta Flyer, Picard, School, Cube, Kahless, Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, Tertiary Adjunct, Plethora, Holodeck, OMEGA
And so it goes.
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