If I (& @CBclick, @CBclick23, @CryptoTabnet etc.) turn our hyperlinks into #CommercialBreaks, would you think we're #RickRolling you? | @CBPTfan

Alfo Media explains 'the history of the RickRoll' in a report you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below (after a brief word from CryptoTab); but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

|Commercial Breaks| are brief periods of time when Radio- & TV-Shows let Sponsors' Commercials- and the Network/Station's Announcements-Play while the Performers takes a Break (a use of the word from the notion that you 'hit the |Brakes' (|Stop Working) when you #TakeABreak (a #FiveMinuteBreak #TenMinuteBreak #OneHourBreak #SpringBreak etc.)


All my life, I wanted to be 'a storyteller on television' (either 'an anchorman, telling my audience "what's going on"' or 'a comedian, telling my audience about "interesting things"' or 'a writer, telling my audience how to understand what they hear/read about').

It's kind of a "Catch-22": those are the kinds of things I want to do, but they are not the things that directly pay me! (I mean; sponsors do pay more to promoters who are 'followed' by larger audiences, but 'they don't get paid if they don't display the ads.')

That was my thinking when I joined one or another 'redirect-ad' program. Since I've been using them on 'FREE blogs' (they're not exactly "FREE," but--like most of the Internet--they're owned by people who let 'moochers like me' share our words on the platforms), "use of redirect-ads" has gotten me kicked off of those platforms (at least temporarily).

So I have to follow a few extra rules when I use the 'redirect-ad' programs. For one, I have to use the "nofollow"-tag. The way I understand it, that basically tells 'the search-engines' (when they scan my blog to see what it's linked-to etc.) not to count the tagged link, because it's not going to 'what they're clicking it for'

(e.g. you click the 'Commercial Breaks'-link to go to "a video about the RickRoll," but I'm sending you to 'a page about CryptoTab---and that page sends you to the video.')

For another rule, I limit my redirect-ads to very few (currently just ads for the CryptoTab-browser and for the 'redirect-ad link maker' (which they call a "link-shortener")). That's because hackers often use redirects to 'infect' Internet-users with computer-viruses---usually trying to steal your personal information or trying to trick you into GIVING your information, and sometimes just to mess up your machine (some kind of sick thrill).

Why do I only redirect-ad for CryptoTab-browser & CB.click's link-shortener? Well, mainly because that's the only link-shortener I know-of ... I'm not sure how I found CryptoTab-browser (probably some random searching for 'FREE ways to make money by mining cryptocurrency' or something), and they introduced CB.click as a way to get more cryptominers into my team.
