#ProLifers (like @SBAproLife) say that Abortion 'Ends a Human Life'; #ProChoicers (like @ProChoiceCaucus) should then call it 'Self-Defense against an Unwanted #Moocher' | @CartoonStock

I explain that excuse in a discussion you can get to through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; and you can get paid to post your own free discussions there, but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Moocher” (one who #Mooches) is built on ancient words that mean "Beggar, |Scrounger, |Pilferer of Little Bits (possibly Keeping the Coins in their |Nightcap), Robber, |Ambusher, |Waylayer, Hider, |Sulker, Concealer."
#Mooch #Mooched #Mooching #Moochers


I make my case (soon) at the forum linked above:
Imagine I came to your house for a party, and then--after the group I came in with had all left--I decided that I live in your house now. I'm not contributing anything. And I'm eating your food ... DIRECTLY OFF YOUR PLATE.

You ask me to leave. You might even 'have professionals forcibly remove me.' And that's fine; even if I can't sustain myself outside your lovely home, that's not your fault. I'm just 'a separate individual,' previously dependent upon you for my sustenance.

How is 'a new fetus' different from 'the uninvited resident' I described?
And--if you have arguments against that case or ways to improve it (and you don't want to go see if I've put it on the forum yet)--you can make your comments below (they won't post immediately, but I'll approve them as soon as I get around to it).

the 'force' that causes you to find profit & fulfillment by doing these few favors for me 🙏🏽

I really enjoy sharing my unique perspectives on politics and entertainment (both currently and of the recent- & distant past), and I'm thankful to you for liking this enough to subscribe (FOR FREE) to get alerts when I post something new and -to comment below (to tell me how crazy or -ingenious or -foolish or -enlightening-etc. my writing is).
