#Would YOU Follow You? If Not, Why Should I? (I say to Myself ... but if You Hear it, I'm Talking to You Too) | @StephenAtHome (re: #HeWhoShallBeNamed) @Tweepi @SoasterApp @buffer

I 'discuss my audience-seeking' (and/or 'self-justify my self-centeredness 😆) in a paying discussion you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; you can earn from the forum yourself, but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)


The word “Would” (aside from the fact that 'it is a form of the word "Will" (and/or "Do") is related to ancient words that mean "Wish ... well, that meaning (along with 'Vainly |Pretending') rises from the word's use in the adjective #WouldBe (the way I'm a 'would-be' father, -teacher, -expert, -superstar-etc.)"
#WouldI (#BigNose! 😉🤣) #WouldYou #WouldAnyone #WouldEveryone

But I only want you to read this if you 'sense some #Shortage you think I can fulfill' (or 'if you WANT to read it,' but I've already "done" that word).
The word "Shortage" is American English compound of the word "Short" and the suffix "-|age."

Getting into this (a little more than I am 'at the forum linked above,' though I might go back and add some of this to that) ...

I was introduced to 'blogging' as more of "a traffic-building exercise" than as "a writing exercise." That's why a lot of my blogging looks like 'a sales-letter' and why most of the ways I 'broadcast' to you may feel more like SPAM.

But a few of those tactics are going to stick around---tactics like 'the hashtags' (if I'm blogging about a word or -I'm inspired by a popular phrase, I'm going to 'hashtag it'). I use 'the hashtags' to keep track of 'whether I've already "done" a word,' and people can use them to search for words to see if I've already 'done' them (before they ask in the comments for me to 'do' a word they're wondering about).

There's also the tactic of the @-tag. That's obviously 'from Twitter' (though I imagine the '@' prefixes usernames on OTHER social-net sites, but I mostly share blog-titles (the only place I put @-tags) on Twitter). Traffic-building bloggers call that 'speedy link-trading'---

(link-trading is an SEO-tactic where bloggers email sites they link-to, in the hopes that the site will link back to the blog---validating the link of the blogger; '@'-ing the site's Twitter-profile accomplishes that link-trade at the same time as it shares the link with your Twitter-followers.)

'your Twitter-followers' ... 'sharing my blog on Twitter' makes "following me on Twitter" sort of a FREE SUBSCRIPTION to my blog---the idea being that 'most of my followers will see my blog-posts (and so I can count them as 'regular viewers'). And that brings up 'a couple Twitter-managers' I use to follow 'the Tweeps who are most-likely to #FollowBack.

There's Tweepi, Soaster; Soaster also shares my tweets, like Buffer does.

Looking at Tweepi, I see that many of the 'superstars' I follow don't follow me back! 😭

And that's upsetting, because I bet every single one of them followed The Tangerine Palpatine! What!??? 😒
