So @MicrosoftEdge keeps telling me that @BingRewards's #RequestHeaderFields are Too Large ... @MicrosoftHelps HELPS, but I---I'm not 'asking the right question' (like 'praying the right prayer') | @DocsMSFT @EdgeAddons @Wikipedia @StackOverflow @GAConnectorApp

'The screen a few of the Bing Rewards Daily-Task links give me' (I think you can access it through 'the emboldened link(s)' below) tells me "Request Header Fields Too Large"; I'll tell you how I'm finding out what to do, but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)


 The Request Header Fields are ... I'm not sure; since I'm learning this without taking many programming classes, I kinda have to "deduce" these terms' meanings (which I do beneath the 'Sherlock Holmes'-banner below) ...

First, I'm returning to this question (on July 27, 2022) because--while my 'Daily Tasks' continue to bring up the 'Request Header Fields Too Large'-screen on my Microsoft Edge browser--those links work just fine on my Google Chrome- & CryptoTab-browsers!

The terms I review 'below the "Sherlock Holmes"-banner' explain vaguely---it's a "server" issue. I guess that my M.E. somehow uses a different 'server' than the G.C. & C.T. use 🤔

But that's a guess I made after I use Bing to ask a more-specific question (that's a basic principle of 'Professional Searching'---a process I'm 'inventing' right now!), and--among the answers I get--they tell me:

back on June 18, 2022 ...

I'll try to 'journalize' it from a 'User's perspective (the 'user' being "what they call 'someone who's "using" the browser & websites etc., but who ISN'T monitoring the |server or 'client applications' (the programs the webmasters use to 'optimize their presentation to the user)")

We Users use browsers to go to websites using their #URLs (with #URL standing for |Uniform Resource Locator). A URL usually starts with HTTP (or HTTPS)---the protocol. Not only does that 'tell "the computers" (yours, your ISP's, the site's ISP's, the site's ... #ISP standing for Internet Service Provider) that you're about to send it looking for the website,' it tells the computers 'how to modify the site's presentation once you get there'

I think the URL-part that's 'in error-mode' is the Query String---I hear that 'The Internet' (i.e. the rules of the road on the Information Superhighway) doesn't set any size-limits on the Query String, but many servers do limit it (with a maximum length for the |Parameter, the Value, and maybe a maximum 'number of Query Strings (attached with an '&' in the URL, I think)').

Or it might not have anything-to-do-with the length of 'the Strings'---the error message reads "Fields," hinting that it's the size of 'the HTML Header-text (website-code we users usually don't see)' ... THAT's the size-limitation I'm hearing-about (no limit in 'the rules of the road,' but some servers set limits on what they'll 'let pass')

The #Header Fields are the instructions that Webmasters put in the Head-sections of their Websites HTML-code (i.e. between the <HEAD> & </HEAD>-tags, I think) ... again, instructions that aren't seen by us users; but which 'optimize the presentation' (sometimes 'specifying which colors to use,' 'specifying what language to use,' 'restricting access according to clearance-requests queried,' etc.)
#Headers #HeadTags

First, I corresponded with Microsoft Support, and they basically told me how to 'reset my Microsoft-profile' ...

which cleared things up for that day, but the blank 'Too Large'-screen came back the next day, so the profile-reset was kind of 'a band-aid on the problem.' So I searched (with Bing's help, of course; who find A TON of help on "HTTP Error 431")

Though the above links & text might imply that I'm a client (who's editing the header-tags etc.), I assure you that I'm only a user ... I may 'interact' with the 'header-tags etc.' a little bit on this blog, but I'm only 'graffiti-ing' on the walls of a building owned by 'somebody else' (Blogger? owned by Google? owned by Alphabet? ... with Amazon in there somewhere? maybe GE? AT&T? SINCLAIR COMMUNICATIONS? ... Rich Uncle Pennybags (the MONOPOLY man?))
