Which #Wordle Came First, the Game @WordleEBW or the Word-Cloud Maker @Wordle_net1 @Mentimeter? @Google @thenamemeaning @DonorSee @StackOverflow @WordFinderByYD @kofi_button @HotHardware @FreeTech4Teache

I'm sure we've all heard of 'the game Wordle' ... I've got friends that share it everyday on Facebook, Twitter---

But I recently "found" 'the word-cloud maker Wordle' (randomly stumbling upon it at the suggestion of another blogger like me, I think ... we anonymous bloggers, 'screaming into The Void').

... But first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word |Wordle| (EBW gives us the original address, but I think it's just a redirect to the NYtimes-address) is most-likely a portmanteau of Word and Puzzle (or maybe #Boggle ... or--of course--from the game's inventor's own surname, #Wardle). 
|Boggle|--name of a favorite word-game--is a word that's built on ancient words that mean Specter (among other things said to scare horses at night ... related to Bug, |Bogey, |Boggart #Boggled #Boggling #Boggles #MindBoggling #Boggles #ItBogglesTheMind). 

And the NEW YORK TIMES confirms that it's a portmanteau of Word & the game's inventing software-engineer's surname (originally created just for him & his partner, according to the linked "love-story").! Even though I asked specifically about 'the word-cloud maker,' Google went & found out about the word-game first

The surname "|Wardle|" is built on ancient words that mean (according to NameMeaning) Watch-Hill.

hmm ... Etymonline doesn't have an entry for Wordle (which--I'm guessing (and agreeing with the StackExchange-discussion linked below)--was originally 'the name for the word-cloud'); so I'm proposing that the word is a portmanteau of Word & Puddle (although I'm sure there are lots of other words that end with -dle that would also fit - #Doodle, Befuddle, Canoodle, Kaboodle, Bundle, etc.)

The word |Doodle| is based on ancient words that mean ... my 'Wi-Fi security' is too glitchy to tell me. Maybe if I ... there! Maybe my connection doesn't like when I have more than 10 tabs 'waiting' (it's like "open," but my browser tells me it "frees up memory from inactive tabs ... (which) automatically become active again when you go back to them") ... 

Anyway, |Doodle| (meaning "to Scrawl Aimlessly," or a noun meaning "Simple Fellow") might be associated with #Dawdle and/or ancient words that mean "Fritter Away Time, Trifle" 

(see also #Doodles #Doodled #Doodling #Doodler #Doodlers #DoodleSack (bagpipes, or women's private parts ... tho I think the term fits (part of) men's private parts better ... |Doodle| actually hinting at slang for "Penis" in the insult/patriot-song #YankeeDoodle & #YankeeDoodleDandy) #DoodleBug #DoodleBugs). 

|Dawdle| is built on ancient words that mean "to Walk Unsteadily" (meaning influenced by #Daw, a Sluggish & Silly Specie (or is it 'Genus'? do I care?) of Bird ... see also #Dawdles #Dawdled #Dawdling #Dawdler #Dawdlers). 

And |Daw| is probably Imitative of the Jackdaw Crow's Cry


But it got to word-clouds:
'wordle-ing' the StackOverflow discussion

Looking for 'why the word-cloud is called that,' I stumbled upon Adversworldle---a backwards version of Wordle that's delightfully challenging---where YOU decide what the word is, & their A.I. guesses at it

I was going to do all the 'Wordle's saved up from the beginning, but 'the site where the Wordle archive was kept' gave us this message:

đź‘‹ Thanks for playing!

Thank you for playing the Wordle Archive, and for all your nice comments and feedback that helped make the site better.

Sadly, the New York Times has requested that the Wordle Archive be taken down. However, you can still play the daily Wordle over on their official site.

If you're interested in trying another word game, check out our new original game, Word Grid. More games will be releasing on the site soon, so stay tuned!

I hope this site provided some fun and entertainment. Thanks for making it a part of your day!

- Noah
 | metzger-media.com

Try Word Grid!
