#Bug #BedBug

This is an answer to the question, "Why do we sleep on 'cover-sheets' (sheets spread over our beds' mattresses—sheets we don't cover-up with, using other sheets & blankets to do that instead)?"

Because a) humans are filthy–oh, it's usually "clean" filthy; but we're constantly sweating & shedding (dead skin-cells) and exhaling/exuding carbon in various ways–and b) bugs love that 'filth!'

Sleep on a bare mattress for more than a week, and your bed will start to look like 'a buffet table' to the pests!

The word “Bug” carries the scent of “Insect, Beetle” (with hints of "something Frightening, Scarecrow"—a scent carried by "Bugbear" & "Bugaboo" ... hints of Goblin, Ghost, Threat, Fear, Supernatural being ... Goat (Buck), Bogey, Puck, Louse, Grub, Thick, Swollen).

'Bug' is also used (as a mispronounciation of "Bulge") as when 'one's Eyes Bug Out' (and space-aliens are often imagined as 'Bug-Eyed').

... But I'm still vigilant—You know anything about how this word developed into 'meaning something different from the meanings traced above'? Comment below!

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