@Microsoft marks the #Milestones of #MartinLutherKingJunior on the Path of #CivilRights | #Milestone

Microsoft marks those milestones on a special search-page linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Milestones” is built on the practice of setting a Stone or Pillar at every #Mile along a long |Thoroughfare (as America posts a #Mile-Marker Sign at every #Mile on its Highways). 
The word "Mile (\ #Miles #Milepost #Milliary #MilesPerHour #MPH #Mileage #MileAMinute)" is built on ancient words that mean Thousand (as the ancient Roman Mile was a distance of 1,000 'double-paces' (one step with each foot)---about 4,860 feet 
(with variants including the medieval English, 6,610 feet; the old London 5,000 feet; the medieval Germany, -Holland & -Scandinavia. 3.25 to 6 English miles (5,280 feet, or 320 perches); the Middle English, 20 minutes (the approximate amount of time it takes to walk a mile); in America, it's also 5,280 feet (1,760 yards)) 
'A Mile' is often used as an expression for a Great Distance (as in #WalkAMileInMyShoes, #YouGiveAnInchAndTheyWillTakeAMile).

