@Looper & some #Bloopers too Good to #Bleep

Looper's video on unremoved Bloopers is linked through 'the main word' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Bloopers” is what they used to call Radio-Receivers that |Interfere with nearby sets (causing the sound Imitated by the word #Bloop---which is also the Baseball-word for a |Hit High Over a Fielder's Head). #Blooper #Blooped #Blooping 
The word "Bleep" (Edit a Broadcast so that a Sound plays to cover a Word that is Unfit for Broadcast) was originally the Electronic |Noise made by a |Geiger-counter, and then associated with the satellite |Sputnik. #Bleeps #Bleeped #Bleeping #Bleeper (early slang-term for a pager).

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