@Moms4Liberty: @JPsaki doesn't care that your Name #SOUNDS like "Puppies for Ice-Cream" if your Agenda's STILL "Book-Banning for Führer" | @Google @MaryMillben @CNN

|That word| seems important; so I found out a little more about |that word| (below-linked to the "Inside with Jen Psaki"-segment that brought |that word| to my attention) and share my findings with you below---maybe I'll add some notes beneath (and/or you might start/continue the discussion in the comments).

... and I have to mention that a lot of help (a share of revenue, extra topics from magazines & advertising, etc.) comes from WowApp: Using the Wowism Community's Fairness to Prevail over Economic Greed

The word “Sound” is built on words that mean “a Noise (or the making thereof)” (Sonic, the -d was added because of the tendency to add -d- after -n- like in Gender & Thunder & |Jaundice & |Kindred) or -on words that mean "Healthy, Strong" (|Gesundheit, Fast, Quick) or "to Move, |Stir, Swim."

just like #Sound #Sounds #Soundly #Sounded
 #Sounding #SoundItOut #SoundsLike 

I'm a devoted fan of Mary Millben, but the Prima Donna has been regularly encouraging Moms for Liberty as if they were another arm of "American Red Cross!" I'm such a big fan of hers, that I'm moved to defend Moms for Liberty---possibly by focusing on their positive aspect(s) and 'plugging my ears & closing my eyes' to the many-many negative aspects of the group.

I asked for something positive about Moms for Liberty, and had to scroll WAY down the search-results page to before I found anything positive (other than the 'M5L-sponsored' links ... although what I found probably isn't positive either ... let's look):
