@Microsoft #BingRewards asks, "How Many Syllables Does #Caramel Have for YOU? | @StackExchange @TasteOfHome @TCCguy @MSN @Yelp @Pinterest @AllRecipes

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We'll get into "which one I think it is & Why"; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “|Caramel|” is from Old Spanish for "Burnt Sugar," and might be built on ancient words that mean "Honey Cane" or -that mean Reed (later used to name a Dark-&-Creamy Candy and also a Color). #Caramelize #Caramels

Getting right into it, I pronounce it with 3 syllables;
 because a)--like the BingRewards quiz says--the
 syllables are 'right there ... "car - a - mel," & b) I think
 '|Carmel|' is a different thing ... 

Well for-one-thing, there's the Mountain in |Northern Israel (home of the "White |Friars'" #Carmelite |Monastery, which was re-established in Spain by St. Teresa (for |Monks & |Nuns). 

As for the candy ... I'm still searching for specifics, but I think it's just 'a North American affection of the word "Caramel"' (and probably the way I pronounce it when I say "Caramelize").

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