@TomScott explains Why You're Not Hearing #ReverseBeeps Lately.

You know, the way 'large motor-vehicles' make (or 'used to make') that "BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP" when they were moving in #Reverse?

Tom Scott's explanation of 'why they're trying not to do that as often now' is embedded below the subscribe-bar; but I feel it's more important to understand that word (linked to Tom Scott's website) better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Reverse” is built on ancient words that mean "Come- or Turn Back or -About, |Return" (see |Revert). #Reversible #Reversing #Reversed #Reverses #Reversal #ReverseDiscrimination #ReverseAngle

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Hmm ... #WhiteNoise ... 'a Sound made of a Mixture of All Frequencies (Tones?/Notes?)' (from White & Noise) that's called that because it uses the SAME Intensity/Loudness at every Frequency (just like White Light ... with all the other 'Colors' of noise using more of some Frequencies than others---(ranging from Bass to Treble) Brown/Red, Pink, Blue, Violet/Purple ... Grey/Gray Noise is indistinguishable from White (to most humans ... so I don't much care that my source said White uses 'the SAME' rather than 'FULL' intensity), and Black Noise is Silence).

I don't think I've ever heard that kind of White Noise ... Or--if I have--I can't tell the difference between "the all-frequency sound" and "a cymbal-roll or a rainstick."
