So You Got Saved! but NOW What? You Need to Bring New #Waves in the #Flood of #TrafficForJesus! @GoTopForum | #Wave #Floods #Waved #Flooded #Waving #Flooding #Wavelength
When Lord Jesus Christ first 'saved us' (after He was crucified, was buried for a few days & crashed His disciples' mourning-party, and just before He ascended into The Cloud), He didn't say, 'Okay y'all! Nothing more to do!'
He said that His disciples were to "Go & disciple all nations!" meaning ... well, basically it means that 'we' (you, me & everyone who can hear us) need to flood the world with wave-after-wave of new believers.
What I show here is 'the group of words' that give "that word" a place to connect to your vocabulary ... deeper sources that firm the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word |Wave| (like #Waveless #Wavy #Waver) is built on ancient words that mean "to move |ToAndFro (I know, To-&-Fro, but I'm writing this to find later 😉), Weave" (or |Undulate, |Hover about, |Fluctuate, |Wavering, Unstable).
The word |Flood| (like #Floodlight) is built on ancient words that mean "to |Flow (in Great |Quantity, Sudden Abundance)."
... and of-course you tell them that going to church & listing to sermons & reading their Bible will guide them on "the strait & narrow path that leads to Paradise" |
But I can't live 'actively enough' to encourage people greatly (oh, it's peaceful and not too painful; but it's not "the life of your dreams!") The best I can do is 'direct people to the church or -the resources they need to optimize their lives.'
I think, 'What did Jesus do?' He lived His truth, instructed His disciples to do the same, and Set Them to Run when He Went Back Home---sounds like 'what I do on AutoSurf!' (write some truth, explain it, and set the AutoSurf to display more for me while I'm away from the computer!)
But--is there a 'more-Christian autosurf'? I don't know; So I do some searches for "Christian AutoSurf," and--though I do get a lot of 'Christians doing car-repair ("Autos")' & 'Christians riding tidal waves on boards ("Surfing")' (along with a lot of sites that tell me that most auto-surf audience are bots)--I manage to find:
- Some more-manual traffic-exchanges - link-trades etc.
- Sites of Christian- & Christianity-content, whose writers agree to view your Christianity-content in exchange for your viewing of theirs
- And all these 'worldly' traffic-exchanges came up:
- Gather Up Swarms of Traffic!
- I'll look through those (maybe replacing the URLs with 'more-attractive text' for the programs that look more promising)
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