Use @iSideWith to compare #Candidates in the #2020Election

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I'm looking at the names of the most-popular ("officially registered") out of the hundreds of Presidential candidates who are 'in deliberation' or -'formally announced'; and I can only recognize maybe-seven of them off-the-top-of-my-head, and then only recognize them as 'faces that go with names' (instead of 'people who hold this/that/the-other political policy').

Luckily I know of Ballotpedia, which (linked through the main word below) offers profiles of each of the 2020-Election's candidates!

"Candidates"—I felt like there might be something more to that word ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which the linked website builds ...

The word “Candidates” is built on ancient words that mean 'to Shine' (as ancient Roman 'Political-Office'-Seekers would wear Gleaming White Robes to meet the assembled Voters).   
#Candidacies #Candidate #Candidacy #Cand.

I think the candidates' names are important—not just 'to remember whose political opinion is such-and-such,' but names are often "the very-first impression you get of an individual" (not to mention that–at least in a few city- & state-elections–I would often vote for candidates I'd never even heard-of based on the fact that 'their names looked cooler than the other candidates' (whom I'd also never even heard-of) names').

Not forgetting another main reason names are important: hypnosis by repetition. A person who grows up with people constantly referring to them as 'Royal Captain Ruling Over All the Souls in the Universe' is going to "grow into" that name ... maybe not actually becoming more powerful than 'Peasant Ensign Serving Under the Lowliest Citizen,' but definitely developing a different mindset.

The 2020 Presidential Election features the Candidates (who--while your vote will be appreciated--need you to support them more by donating to their campaigns):
