@CatholicOnline shares 23 Questions to #Spring on Yourself (especially for #RomanCatholics during Lent) | @MySundayMass @Wikipedia

Catholic Online shared an article (hyperlinked through the word 'Spring' (meaning of a root of "Lent)). I'll list (and maybe give my answers) 'below the base(s),' but first ...

The word “Spring” carries the scent of “|Act- or Time of First Appearing, the Beginning- or Birth- or Rise- or Origin of anything (plants especially)” or "to Move, Hasten" (Desire Eagerly, |Hurry).

They say to "Look into yourself!" with these "23 questions to ask yourself as you reflect during Lent":
  • Do I Have a Serious Spiritual Life? - I'm not quite sure what they mean; The Spirit IS The Life!
  • Do I Attend Mass Every Sunday (unless I am very sick)? - I usually 'attend' Heart of the Nation CATHOLIC MASS, so--that way--YES, even if I AM sick! (though I record it & usually don't get around to 'attending' until Monday)
  • Do I Do Unnecessary Work on Sunday? - No, I NEVER do "unnecessary work!" (I thought one of the 'defining characteristics' of "work" was that you have to do it!) Anyway, what has that got to do with anything? Did the Catholic Church ever "officially" make Sabbath "Sunday" instead of Saturday?
  • Do I Practice the Virtue of Charity? - in a few ways
  • Am I Patient & Kind? - words that are synonymous with "Uncle Jay" (that's me)
  • Am I Generous with My Time? - that's one of the ways
  • Do I Serve Others? - probably
  • Do I Help the Sick & the Poor? - I help people to stop being those things.
  • Do I Need to |Forgive Someone? - No.
  • Am I Materialistic? - No.
  • Do I Live Beyond My Means? - Probably.
  • Do I Have a Lot of Unnecessary Credit Card Debt? - No.
    • If So, Am I Working on Eliminating Your Debt? - No.
  • Do I Support My Parish Financially the Way that I Should? - Yes (but I'm only saying that because it's "the right thing to say")..
  • Am I Lazy? - No(but I'm only saying that because it's "the right thing to say").
  • Am I Active in the Apostolic Life of the Catholic Church? (Is that like 'being a missionary in my own land'? then ... nope)
  • Do I Study the Catholic Faith? - Not obsessively
  • Am I Content with Mediocrity? - I'm awesome; I don't care how much awesomer you are.
  • If I Am Married, Am I Open to Life? - I'm not married, but I'm guessing "open to life" means 'welcoming a possible pregnancy.' 
  • Do I Follow the Church's Teaching regarding Natural Family Planning? - I've never heard of it, but ...
    • If I Do Not, Am I Willing to Study the Church's Teaching by Reading Church Documents & -Books that Explain the Church's Teaching with Clarity & Easy-to-Understand Terms? - Yes.
  • Do You Go to Confession on a Regular Basis? - Isn't that 'Privileged Information?'
  • Do You Receive Communion with a Good Conscience? - Spiritually (according to Heart of the Nation CATHOLIC MASS's broadcast).
Then catholic.org gives us a link to a program-or-something called Make Lent Work for You.

... and then links to a buncha other stuff (go see!)

On March 7, 321, however, Roman Emperor Constantine I issued a civil decree making Sunday a day of rest from labor, stating: All judges and city people and the craftsmen shall rest upon the venerable day of the sun.
