I asked about the core values of SpaceX; a Quoraspondent gave me an answer.
|That word| seems important; so I found out a little more about |that word| (below-linked to the Quoraspondents' talk about SpaceX's core values ... inspiring my mind to |that word| to my attention), and I share my findings with you below---I'll list those core values beneath (and 'the linked Quoraspondence' describes SpaceX's values specifically).
To Keep Up on My 'Research,' Follow @mythmanjay
The responding 'Quoraster' lists & describes SpaceX's values (linked above ... below, I link to 'my random researchings on those words'):
The word |Frontier| sits at the peak of the high tower above ancient words that mean "Brow (see Front)," which evolved into today's meaning through ancient words that mean "Front Rank of an Army, Fortress, Boundary-Line of a Country."
just like #Frontiers #Frontiersman #Frontierswoman
#Frontierswomen #Frontiersmen
![]() |
a few extra value-statements |
The responding 'Quoraster' lists & describes SpaceX's values (linked above ... below, I link to 'my random researchings on those words'):
- Ambition
- Innovation
- Relentlessness
- Resilience
- Teamwork
- Excellence
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