@SimonWhistler makes us more #HipToTheLingo of the #HoboCodes | @Ranker #Hobo #Hobos #Tramp #Bum #Tramps #Bums #Tramping #Bumming #Tramped #Bummed
#HappyBirthday to Y'all (in the # #BirthdayCohort with @ & @ & ALL the #FamousBirthdays @Bing lists) on # Day | @HolidaysCalendr @BirthdayMates @YourTango @MySundayMass
... or -on 'whichever of these holidays, awareness-dates &/or event-anniversaries you celebrate!'
After a minute-and-a-quarter in support of Ultimate Comfort of the Extremities, Simon explains what he found out about hobos' secret communications in a video linked through 'the hyperlinks' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The word “Hobo” is ... it's said to be synonymous with Tramp, but Simon is quick to tell us that Hobos, Tramps & Bums are distinctly different communities ... 'Hobo' might be built on ancient words that mean |Lout, |Clumsy Fellow, Country |Bumpkin; or the word might from the |Railroad-Workers' call, "|Ho, Boy!"
This form of Transient doesn't have a gerund (nobody talks about people 'hobo-ing'), but--influenced by the word "Bohemian"--they developed the community-name #Hobohemia.
The "Tramp" is a |Wanderer, |Idle |Vagrant or |Vagabond (or |Steamship that takes |Cargo |Wherever it can be |Traded) named for the heavy style of walking---a word built on ancient words that mean "to Run, Walk, Step" (leading to words that mean "to |Stamp" ... although #TrampStamp refers to the |Tattoo often worn by |Promiscuous |Women (on their |Lower |Backs)).
And the word "Bums (if not the onomatopoeic reference to the |Protuberance or |Swelling of the |Buttocks ... #Bum)" is built on the word #Bummer (probably from German) meaning "Dissolute |Loafer (not the shoe ... well--- 😏), Idle Person"---which led to the word's "Depressing" meaning (a #TotalBummer #BumsMeOut) and the "Low Quality" meaning (\ #BumSteer, a #BumLeg).
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RANKER goes into more detail on a few of these |
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