Are Evangelicals (like @Franklin_Graham) really #Treasonous #Traitors like @MSNBC says? No, Because They Maintain 'Dual-Citizenship'! | @Twitter #Treason #Traitor

MSNBC reports the 'Evangelicals'' (they say "white Evangelicals'") approval of Russia's Putin in a segment accessed through 'the bold hyperlink(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Treason (the Crime of Undermining the Offender's Government, Disloyalty by Virtue of Subversive Behavior, Deliberate Betrayal ... #Treasonable #Treasons #HighTreason #PetitTreason #ConstructiveTreason #TrahisonDesClercs)” is built on ancient words that mean "to Give Over (Trans-)" (Tradition, Old French for "Betray").
The word “Traitor (one who Betrays his Country by Committing Treason, who Says one thing but Does another ... #Traitorous)” is also built on ancient words that mean "to Give Over."


I haven't 'fully investigated Evangelicals' current policy here' (i.e. I haven't "read the whole article, including a video where Franklin Graham out-and-out 'lifts Putin up on a pedistal'"), but I'm approaching 'what I hear' with a little background knowledge on Christians' positions ...

... specifically, the position that they are 'ruled by The Kingdom of God.' (No, that doesn't mean "death to all sinners" or whatever barbarian practices (from the Old Testament, etc.) that atheists like to point at & claim all Christians uphold; but rather that--if it comes to 'renouncing either their American citizenship or their Christian devotion'--then it's "Sayonara, former compatriots!")

But luckily, it hasn't come to that. Americans are free to side with whichever power they choose.
