#HappyBirthday to the #May16 #BirthdayCohort (with @ToriSpelling & @PierceBrosnan & ... you?) on #NickelDay @History | @411Holidays @BirthdayMates @FamousBirthdays @YourTango @MySundayMass

So I had a post that I rewrote everyday to replace 'yesterday's birthday-cohort' with 'today's birthday-cohort' (so you can see whose birthday-cohort you're a member-of). One day I asked myself, 'Why don't I just do an entry for every day (with that day's cohort & holidays & maybe its event-anniversaries)?'

That way I can go back & input new birthdays & events etc. Like May 16's #Nickel Day.

The Nickel's hidden history is linked through 'the main word' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Nickel” is built on ancient words that mean Demon, |Goblin, |Rascal (possibly related to The Devil's pseudonym Old Nick). #NickelAndDime #NickelsAndDimes #CopperNickel #Nickle

Meaning "coin made partly of nickel" is from 1857, when the U.S. introduced one-cent coins made of nickel to replace the old bulky copper pennies. Application to five-cent piece (originally one part nickel, three parts copper) is from 1883; in earlier circulation there were silver half-dimes

Today's Birthday-Cohort

Astrologically, their sign is Taurus ... no matter WHICH stars they were born under: Tucker Carlson, Megan Fox, Pierce Brosnan, Danny Trejo (MACHETE), Janet Jackson, Henry Fonda, Liberace, David Boreanaz, Tori Spelling, Tracey Gold (the sister from Growing Pains) ... and lots more I don't recognize (maybe you do recognize some ... you can find the date at the birthday-cohort link)
the Horoscope-dates

(and--if you or someone you know about has a birthday today
--please mention them (and how you know them or -know
 about them) in the comments, thanks)

And I Wonder What Saints' Day my Heart of the Nation calendar says this is:

no saint; but the clergy is in White Vestments for the season
