#HappyBirthday to #SarahMichelleGellar @SarahMGellar AND? to #BradGarrett @BradGarrettClub AND? to ... these others, on (2021's) #RAiNN Day (ought to be #Rrainn Day or #raiRnn Day, but ...) @NationalToday | @UncommonGoods @411Holidays @MySundayMass

I had a post that I rewrote everyday to replace 'yesterday's cohort' with 'today's cohort.' One day I asked myself, 'Why don't I just do an entry for every day (with that day's cohort & holidays & maybe its event-anniversaries)?'

That way I can go back & input new birthdays & events etc. Like today (an outreach-day for #Rape, Abuse & #Incest National Network (I feel they ought to put 'Recovery' in that title somewhere))

That outreach's explanation is linked through 'the main words' below; but I feel it's more important to understand those words better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Rape” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Seize, Carry off by Force, |Abduct" (|Rapid ... the root word was rarely used in reference to Sexual Violation; more often referring to Pirate Swag (|Booty) or the type of |Turnip used to Feed Sheep or make |Canola |Oil). #Raped #Raping #Rapes #Rapable #Rapist #Rapt #Rapture 
The word “Incest” is built on ancient words that mean Not Pure (In-, |Caste). #Incestuous

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Today's Cohort

Astrologically, Aries: Brad Garrett, Robert Carlyle, Pete Rose, Greg Maddux, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Adrian Brody, Loretta Lynn, Antony Michael Hall, Peter Capaldi, Rod Steiger (whom I mistook for Rod Serling, but who was still awesome), once-King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, Princess Beatrice of the United Kingdom, once-King Phillip III of Spain, Tarabai (once-Regent of India's Maratha Empire)

(and--if you or someone you know about has a birthday today
--please mention them (and how you know them or -know
 about them) in the comments, thanks)

And I Wonder What Saints' Day my Heart of the Nation calendar says this is:

no saint, but it's another White Vestments day for Catholic Clergy 📿
