Good Sermon: Why Christians Call Themselves #Sheep (in need of a #Shepherd) @AllTheTests #Sheepish #Sheeple

Atheists & 'free-thinkers' will often refer to people as "sheeple" when they thoughtlessly follow their leaders. But how "independent" are they when they 'get a job to make money' or 'blindly obey the law-of-the-land' or 'vote for their government-representatives' etc?... things we should all do–indeed–but also 'things we do without thinking about the larger consequences.'
The word “Sheep” is built on the ancient words for |Ewe (the usual name for the |Ruminant Mammal (and still the word for a Female sheep))—root is similar to words for "Male |Goat (|Ram), Newborn Calf").
The word "Shepherd" carries the scent of "Sheep + Herd."
Pastor went on a little bit–focusing on 'how much we humans need a shepherd' (since we–like sheep–will just wonder around randomly if we get separated from the herd, only finding our way home by random-chance), as opposed to most other animals who find their ways home instinctively–but I started thinkin` ...
First, I thought of some of the other animals The Bible compares people-to ... I can't find a list of the comparisons online (can't think of the search-phrase I need), but I can remember-'the male lover being compared to a Noble Stag,' -Jesus comparing His disciples to 'Wolves in sheep's clothing,' -Jesus comparing church-leaders to Vipers ... -something about 'how we will be Proud Lions' ... (if you remember any others- or can find such a list online, leave it in the comments).
But I do find a test to take to tell me which animal I'm behaving most-like ... today? 30% Rat, 30% Dog, 30% Human, and 10% Wolf.
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