The #March30 #BirthCohort, with a #HappyBirthday for @PeteHolmes AND @IanZiering (etc.) on #TurkeyNeckSoupDay | @NationalToday @Microsoft @411Holidays @MySundayMass
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That's Turkey-Neck! |
That way I can go back & input new birthdays & events etc. Like today (#Turkey-#Neck #Soup Day)
That holiday's explanation is linked through 'the main word' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...
The word “Turkey” is built on ancient words that mean "the |Guinea Fowl (introduced under #Turkish Rule)." #Turkeys #TurkeyCorn #TurkeyWheat
"Turkish" is the name for the nationality of #Turks, with #Turk sounding very similar to a word that also means (either in the language's vocabulary or in reference to that nationality) "a |Beautiful Youngster, |Barbarian, Robber" (also referring to Muslims (making #TurnTurk slang for "Joining Islam"), Irishmen (Irish-Americans used it to refer to their brethren still-in-Europe, from the word's similarity to the Irish word for |Boar, Hog)).
#YoungTurk #TurkishDelight #TurkishBath
The word “Neck” is built on ancient words that were used at about the same time as words that mean Collar, |Nape of the Neck, Column, Post
(also a verb meaning to Kiss, |Embrace, |Caress (as there's a lot of Neck-|Fondling ... or possibly in reference to the image of Swans |Canoodling (another possible origin of the Heart-Shape (which looks more like 'Cupid From-Behind' than 'the Blood-Pumping Muscle)) ... tho early verb-senses meant "to Kill by |Striking the Neck" #Necking #Necked). #Necks
#Bottleneck #Breakneck #Leatherneck #LongNeck #NeckBand #Neckerchief #Necklace #Neckless #Neckline #Necktie #Neckwear Redneck #Roughneck #Rubberneck #StiffNecked #Turtleneck
The word “Soup” is built on ancient words that mean "to Take Liquid" (|Sup (i.e. Sip Soup) ... also a verb for Increasing an |Engine's Horsepower, from the practice of Supercharging Horses' Running-Speed by |Injecting them with a |Narcotic Soup #Souped #Souping). #Soups #Soupy
Today's Cohort
Aries (basically ... I'll do some more 'research' to find out 'how the various moon-phases & risings & descendings etc. make it different'): Piers Morgan, Celine Dion, Eric Clapton, Vincent van Gogh, Norah Jones, Tracy Chapman, Warren Beatty, John (classic TV's Gomez Addams) Astin, MC Hammer, Paul Reiser, Ian Ziering, Jethro Tull (the historic figure that the band was named-after), Pete Holmes
(and--if you or someone you know about has a birthday today
--please mention them (and how you know them or -know
about them) in the comments, thanks)
And I Wonder What Saints' Day my Heart of the Nation calendar says this is:
no saint, but the clergy's in Violet!
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