I've heard of the 'regular' ("Horoscopic") Zodiac and the 'Asian' ("Chinese") Zodiac, but the #Celtic Zodiac?.... @slutsforfall mentions it (and outlines it at the link) | @Wikipedia

That outline is linked through 'the main word' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Celtic” (Language-Group including Irish, |Gaelic, |Welsh, |Breton ... member of the |Boston basketball-team ...) is built on ancient words that mean "pertaining to the #Celts" #Keltic #CelticTwilight ( |Yeats's collection of adapted Irish folk-tales) #Celtics 
The word "Celts" is built on ancient words that mean "the |Gauls (according to |Herodotus)" or "the Ancient peoples in Brittany (according to the English) and their Modern Descendants (according to the French). #Kelt #Celt #CeltIberian 
"Celt" is also based on an ancient misspelling of words that mean Stone-|Chisel.

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I don't know about 'the system behind the pictures SlutForFall presents,' but the sources I find say that "the Irish megaliths appear to be aligned to the stars, but there's no typical astrology-calendar."
