@60MINUTES showing signs of the Latest Epidemic: #Group-Narcissism - #Groups #Grouping #Grouped #SupportGroup

Again, I hear 60 MINUTES refer to 'the recent series of drug-related deaths' as "the opioid epidemic."

First reaction: 'Where do they get off!..."

They claim this drug-thing's an "epidemic." Yes, a large number of people die of opioid-related illness each year; but I'm not sure "epidemic" is the right word.

(An "epidemic" is more like 'a plague, or something that infects large groups of people no matter what they do'; the opioid-problem is more like a "trend"—or are doctors "raiding the countryside" and "forcing the opioids down patients throats"?)

I am angry because I am 'suffering' from another epidemic. (Our support-groups urge us to say instead that we're 'surviving' it, but–to discourage others from going through it themselves (and for other reasons)–a little 'suffering it' is required).

That epidemic? Traumatic Brain-Injury. Not only does another person sustain such an injury every 9 seconds, but that injury changes the world of all their friends, family-members & co-workers—making it a truer "epidemic" than the opioid 'trend' 60 MINUTES bemoans.

Which brings me to 60 MINUTES' problem—failure to acknowledge any group of which it is not a part—I may be 'speaking out-of-turn' there, failing to acknowledge the extensive work they've done (which I haven't seen) on new brain-health research, or the huge donations they've made (which I haven't seen) to brain-injury recovery-hospitals.

But from what I do see, they surround themselves with people & news they want to support & promote ... which is where Donald Trump finds good reason to call it 'Fake News'—not that Mr. Trump delivers news that's not swayed by "wishful focus," but ...

... getting off-course ...

This 'epidemic' might be caused by a truth taught in The Secret (or maybe How to Win Friends & Influence People): that you become more-and-more like the people you spend more time focused-on (so you want to focus on people of the type you want to become). The people at 60 MINUTES want to be more like 'the people they feature in their stories,' and so–as they feature them more-&-more–60 MINUTES becomes more-&-more convinced that 'no other groups exist!'

(Of-couse they consciously know that other groups 'exist,'
 but I'm the other groups' existence figures into 60 MINUTES'

They stare at 'others like themselves' like Narcissus stared into his reflection—focused on their own Group, what other Groups do they need?

The word “Group” is built on ancient words that mean “|Round Mass, |Lump” (|Crop).
