@MeetThePress #Remusters Us All to the Battlements in 'the War that's been Raging for Half-a-Century!' with the (slightly recent) Battle Cry "Just Say No!" | @DEAHQ @HISTORY @EducationWeek @SlogansHub
Until a recent special episode of MEET the PRESS, I thought "the War on
Drugs" started with Nancy Reagan's 'battle cry' "Just Say No!" but no ...
President Richard Nixon's speech on June 17, 1971, marked the symbolic start of the modern drug war. In the decades that followed Democrats and Republicans embraced ever-tougher laws penalizing people with addiction.
Richard Nixon Foundation YouTube
|Those words| seems important; so I found out a little more about |those words|
(below-linked to the YouTube-page of the episode which brought |those words| to
my attention) and share my findings with you below---maybe I'll add some notes
beneath (and/or you might start/continue the discussion in the comments).
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|Remusters| is obviously the word for #Musters Again (Re-). The word |Musters| sits at the peak of the high tower above ancient words that mean "|Omen, Sign (see Monster)," which evolved through ancient words that mean "to Show, Appear, Reveal, Inspect, |Prove."
The drug-name |Fentanyl| is made of syllables that mean "|Derived from |Benzene (|Phen-/|Pheno-)" with the suffix #yl which is the Chemical-Ending for Names of Groups (rooted in a word that means "Wood, Material").
The drug's street-names include Apace, China Girl, China Town, Dance Fever, Friend, Goodfellas, Great Bear, He-Man, Jackpot, King Ivory, Murder 8, Poison, Tango & Cash.
The word |Opioid| is made of the word #Opium ("Inspissated Juice of the Poppy Plant," perched high above the proto-word *sokwo- "Juice, |Resin") & the suffix #oid (meaning "Like unto, |Synthetic Version of (although I don't know ... since Chuck Todd keeps talking about '|Synthetic |Opioids|'))," perched high above the proto-word *weid-es-, *weid- "to See").
just like #Mustered #Mustering #Muster #Remuster #Remusters
#MusterIn #MusterOut #MusterUp #PassMuster #PassTheMusters
#Opioids #OpiumWar #OpiumEater #OpiumDen
Watching that episode, I wondered, "If Nixon declared a 'War on Drugs,' did that commander-in-chief assign any 'regiment(s)' to the battlefronts. (In the press-conference near the top of this post, I think you can see whether he actually "declared war" or only declared drug-abuse to be "Public Enemy #1"---making it 'the public's problem'--I think--of course led by each State's cities' City Police.)
Or maybe it was 'made official' when President Bush (Sr.) laid down some battle-plans in 1989 (when the current 'war on drugs' had been going for over 18 years).
A&E's HISTORY traces 'the war' (or ... what do you call 'a series of wars' (the way that a war is 'a series of battles')? I guess you could call them 'The Drug Conflicts,' like we call Middle East wars "Conflicts in the Middle East") back as far as the 1800s (when states passed laws to ban or regulate drugs---even though Sears & Roebuck was offering 'syringes & doses of cocaine' in their catalogue as late as 'the 1890s'!).
Congress then waged several 'attacks' on Drugs:
- taxes levied on morphine & opium
- The Smoking Opium Exclusion Act
- The Harrison Act (regulating and taxing the production, importation & distribution of opiates & -cocain)
- The 18th Amendment (Prohibition (of Intoxicating Liquors)---bringing in The Prohibition Act (The Volstead Act) ... with Prohibition ending in 1933 (& the 21st Amendment))
- The "Marihuana" Tax Act - taxing cannabis, hemp or marijuana
- The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) - outlining the five "schedules" of drugs
... all before- or leading up to-Nixon's "declaration"---a 'declaration' it's rumored Nixon made to strengthen a couple other 'wars': Vietnam (which the hippies were against, so--if we associate them with marijuana, and made marijuana illegal--it made 'being against the war' seem un-American) & his racism (figuring he could disrupt the Black community by associating Blacks with heroin).
In the 70s, the war was scaled back (11 States even decriminalizing marijuana back then!)
It picked back up in the 80s (starting in the late 70s with President Jimmy Carter)---ramping up with "Just Say No" and the Anti-'Drug Abuse' Act. And there were several slogans before- & after-Nancy's "Just Say No."
They say the war has waned in recent decades, but ... no! The war has mostly shifted. It's no longer "rebellious criminals preying on addicts out on the street"; rather, it's 'straight-laced drug-salespeople bribing your doctors into PRESCRIBING the addictions that make them the most money!'
It's a "Cold War" on Drugs, espionage waged against Big Pharma (infecting the once well-meaning physicians with that demon-seed Greed!)
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My New Mantra (one of several) - Nothing is forever except Change (BUddhA) |
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