What's So "incredible" about #Raid (Shadow Legends), which @Bing is paid to tell you is "FREE+" from @Plarium | @Zemanta not @DarthMicroT but maybe @TheGamerWEBSITE #Raider #Raided #Raiding #Raids #AirRaid
Microsoft Bing gives me this link: a hyperlinked picture of a roaring orc with the text "This PC Game is Incredible. It's Worth Your Time."
I think I started playing it months/years-ago (I'm getting to the age where those two kinda blend together). And the game gave me 'an invitation to pass on to you'---They actually want me to tell you, 'Here (hyperlinked through 'that word') is my install link for Raid: Shadow Legends.
"Get it through this link and both of us will get some free stuff to boost us along!"; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...
The word “Raid” (so-named because--I think--that's what's basically happening throughout the game ... you're 'raiding' various cities in a kingdom until you've repaid your debt to The Arbiter) is built on ancient words that mean Ride, Expedition, Journey (see Road)
What's "incredible" about this game? Well, I'm sure the graphics are good! ... What else? ... maybe it's 'incredible' in the sense of "unworthy of belief," because one of the top reviews of the game tells us "it's absolute trash."
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